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End of Life

There is no easy way to say goodbye to a beloved pet, but sometimes, the most difficult part is making the decision to let go.

As our pets age, we watch the gray creep onto their beloved faces, their steps slow, and their naps become longer and more frequent.  We treasure this quiet, gentle time, even as we know that heartbreak is coming.  We struggle with our desire to keep them by our side as long as possible, while not wanting them to suffer.  Sometimes, our pets let us know when they’re ready to go; sometimes a medical emergency takes that decision out of our hands; and sometimes, we make the loving and merciful choice to end their pain, and let them pass gently and peacefully.

As your pet’s quality of life decreases, and as we exhaust our medical capabilities to keep your pet comfortable, we will counsel you through the end of life process.  Euthanasia is an incredibly personal decision, but it isn’t one that you have to make alone.

We are here for you.  We are here for your pet.

When the time comes to say goodbye, you will meet with your veterinarian in a treatment room, and we will walk you through the process, making sure that you know what to expect.  We will briefly take your pet to the treatment area to insert a small catheter in a vein.  Your pet will come back to you, and we encourage you to hold them and gently talk to them as we give them a sedative.  Once they are asleep, your veterinarian will administer the euthanasia drug.  We will give you as much time as you need for this final goodbye.  Our last gift to your pet will be our care for you.

If you choose cremation for your pet’s remains, we will walk you through the options, and if you wish, will handle the process for you.  Your pet will be returned to you in a carved box, along with a paw print.

And we will cry with you, hurt for you, and mourn the loss of the pet that we came to love too.

Grief is a process.  We encourage you to visit these links dealing with Pet Loss. 

Our animal friends teach us more than we could have expected and love us more than we could have hoped.  That’s why we miss them more than we could have imagined.   –   Anonymous

Coping with the Loss of a Pet: